A Letter to a Great Teacher
if you make the decision and put your mind to it, you can make it happen.
Hello, my friend.
How have you been? This is my first letter to you this year, and it's coming in the 10th month. Shame! But life happens to us all. So I hope this message finds you well.
I recently took time off social media as I was getting overwhelmed with the noise, especially as the political season was upon us. I genuinely think people are irrational and overly emotional when it comes to politics, but that’s a discussion that we may never have. Lol. Anyway, I wanted to have more time to myself with fewer distractions.
Interestingly, that’s not the only thing I have tried to avoid this year. I stopped taking soda and all forms of sugary drinks. I am fully #TeamWater, and it has been a worthy experience. I didn’t know it was possible until it happened. You can try it, too *winks*
What are you trying to stop, but it has been challenging? I will not recommend how to stop, but I will say, “if you make the decision and put your mind to it, you can make it happen”.
This time off has allowed me to focus on more important things. As a result, I have completed more tasks. I even, briefly, got back to something I enjoy doing so much - teaching.
I taught interns in my workplace public speaking and presentation. The session ended today, and I received an email from one of my students.
You can imagine how I felt reading the email. I enjoy teaching and know that someday, I will return to it.
It was nice talking to you again.
Until next time, don’t stop making those moves that are important to you.